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Celebrating Gr8 years with Khalti : Movie @ Rs.8

As we step into our 8th year of milestones, we couldn’t be more thrilled—and what’s a celebration without you?  Who doesn't love watching movies ?  Everybody does right?  What is we say you can watch a movie for just @Rs. 8 . Yes you read it right Movie...

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Celebrating Gr8 Years with Khalti: Flight @ Rs. 8!

As Khalti steps into its 8th year, our hearts are filled with immense joy and gratitude. This milestone wouldn't have been possible without you, our incredible support system. Together, we’ve created countless memories, achieved remarkable milestones, and...

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Top-Up, Tune-In, Win Airdopes!

Imagine grooving around in your favorite songs in your brand new Airdopes after just spending Rs.50. ! Why just imagine when it can be turned into reality.  Yes, you read it right. Khalti’s is back to help you start your New-Year with new deals . Introducing Rs 50 ko...

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Latest Offers

Pay for TV & ISP, Win a Fridge or TV!

Pay for TV & ISP, Win a Fridge or TV!

We are back with yet another exciting offer! This time, we are making your everyday payments even more rewarding. If you pay for your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and TV subscriptions through Khalti, you stand a chance to win amazing prizes, including a...

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय यात्रा बीमा (ITI)  अब Khalti मा! 

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय यात्रा बीमा (ITI)  अब Khalti मा! 

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय यात्रा वा Business Trip गइरहनु हुन्छ? अनि आफ्नो सुरक्षा बारे सोच्नु भएको छैन? अब तपाइँ को यात्रा सुरक्षाको लागि हामीले  Himalayan Everest Insurance संग साझेदारी गरि ल्याएको छौँ International Travel Insurance (ITI) अर्थात् अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय...

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