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Introducing Suraksha Plus: Khalti’s enhanced Health Insurance

Uncertainty is the only certainty. Keeping the importance of ensuring the safety of ourselves and our loved ones in mind, Khalti introduced its health insurance service a year ago: Khalti Suraksha. With the aim of providing healthcare facilities to its users, and...

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boAt Airdopes Zing in Nepal: Exclusive at Khalti

Are you ready to elevate your musical experience? Well, you better be, because the boAt Airdopes Zing has been launched exclusively on Khalti. And that too, at an exclusive price rate. Exclusive Price: boAt Airdopes Zing MRP: Rs 3,599/-Exclusive at Khalti:...

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Khalti Voice Box: सफल भुक्तानीकाे आवाज

अब Khalti Pasal को सहजतालाई ध्यानमा राखी हामीले ल्याएका छौँ Khalti Voice Box । यस Voice Box ले ग्राहकहरूबाट Khalti QR मा भुक्तानी पाउँदा साथ  तुरुन्तै आफ्नो आवाजबाट  सूचना दिन्छ। खल्तीले सुचारु गरेको यो Voice Box ले भुक्तानी पाउने बित्तिकै (instant) सूचना...

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100% Cashback on Topup from Khalti (inc. Voice/Data Pack)

100% Cashback on Topup from Khalti (inc. Voice/Data Pack)

अब Khalti बाट आफ्नो NTC/Ncell मा Topup गर्दा  पाउनुहोस् शानदार Cashback र उपहारको मजा लिनुहोस् । हामीले लागि ल्याएका छौँ – 100% नै फिर्ता Offer. जहाँ जतिको Topup गर्‍यो, त्यति नै Cashback जित्ने मौका पाउनुहोस् साथै थप उपहार।   Offer के के Service मा...

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