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Pay for TV & ISP, Win a Fridge or TV!

We are back with yet another exciting offer! This time, we are making your everyday payments even more rewarding. If you pay for your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and TV subscriptions through Khalti, you stand a chance to win amazing prizes, including a...

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Latest Offers

Pay for TV & ISP, Win a Fridge or TV!

Pay for TV & ISP, Win a Fridge or TV!

We are back with yet another exciting offer! This time, we are making your everyday payments even more rewarding. If you pay for your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and TV subscriptions through Khalti, you stand a chance to win amazing prizes, including a...

100% फिर्ता on TMS Collateral Load & Broker Payment from Khalti

100% फिर्ता on TMS Collateral Load & Broker Payment from Khalti

NEPSE को Secondary Market मा Stock किन्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने  Broker TMS खाताको जरुरी पर्दछ जहाँ Share किन्नको लागि सोही रकम अनुसार Collateral Load गर्न र Broker Payment गर्न पर्दछ भन्ने कुरा त थाह नै होला । तपाईँहरूको लागि हामीले ल्याएका छौँ १००% नै फिर्ता...

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