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boAt Airdopes Zing in Nepal: Exclusive at Khalti

Are you ready to elevate your musical experience? Well, you better be, because the boAt Airdopes Zing has been launched exclusively on Khalti. And that too, at an exclusive price rate. Exclusive Price: boAt Airdopes Zing MRP: Rs 3,599/-Exclusive at Khalti:...

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Khalti Voice Box: सफल भुक्तानीकाे आवाज

अब Khalti Pasal को सहजतालाई ध्यानमा राखी हामीले ल्याएका छौँ Khalti Voice Box । यस Voice Box ले ग्राहकहरूबाट Khalti QR मा भुक्तानी पाउँदा साथ  तुरुन्तै आफ्नो आवाजबाट  सूचना दिन्छ। खल्तीले सुचारु गरेको यो Voice Box ले भुक्तानी पाउने बित्तिकै (instant) सूचना...

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Khalti Cashback Mela – powered by UnionPay

“What feels greater than shopping or dining out or a movie night?” - All of these but with a discount offer or lets say Cashback.Looking for such an offer? Then, Khalti Cashback Mela is here for you. This exciting mela campaign promises you (Khalti users)...

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Khalti Cashback Mela – powered by UnionPay

Khalti Cashback Mela – powered by UnionPay

“What feels greater than shopping or dining out or a movie night?” - All of these but with a discount offer or lets say Cashback.Looking for such an offer? Then, Khalti Cashback Mela is here for you. This exciting mela campaign promises you (Khalti users)...

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